engineering project microsilica granuke system (Disk pelletizers)

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engineering project microsilica granuke system (Disk pelletizers)

engineering project microsilica granuke system (Disk pelletizers)

what are Disc pelletizers?

Disc pelletizers are a “tumble growth” or agitation agglomeration device, meaning they rely on a liquid binder and motion to form and refine agglomerates. The disc pelletizer may be used alone, or in combination with a mixer, most often a pin mixer. Material is continuously fed from the hopper to the pelletizer disk by a screw conveyor, where it is taken up by the rotation. The spray system mounted over top of the disc has several moveable spray nozzles (the number of which is determined during the design phase) which spray binder over the material, causing it to become tacky. This tackiness, and the continuous passing of the material through the feed stream as the disc rotates, causes particles to aggregate together.

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